Catering to a broad spectrum of industries from telecommunication to aerospace, Sivers fulfill the increasing demand for computational speed and AI application performance, replacing electric with optical connections for a more sustainable world.

Sivers Semiconductors drives some of the world’s most significant technological advances that reduces the C02 footprint of each new generation of products the company offers. By Sivers providing the best solutions in sensors, data, and wireless networks the company makes the connected world more sustainable, safer and better. This includes targeted initiatives aimed at reducing the company’s own and our customers’ environmental impact.

To fully comply with the new EU rules on corporate sustainability reporting, The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), and the mandatory European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), Sivers will ensure and strengthen the company’s sustainability work concerning the social and environmental information that the EU law requires.
Key Market Trends driving Sivers’ markets
Sivers Semiconductors’ markets are growing rapidly, increased capacity in both data networks and computers is critical to the continuously accelerating digitalization process. This places increasingly stringent demands on operators such as Sivers Semiconductors, who supply key products for these systems.
Explosion of Data
2026 projection: Over 42 billion connected IoT devices, generating~177ZB of data annually. Rack faceplate area fixed, transport rates quadruple in 5 years.
Power Consumption
In 2017, data center electricity usage was 3% of worldwide electric power. By 2040, computing may consume a significant % of worlds energy production.
Maturity of Moore’s Law
Driving new architectures with system and technology optimization. Heterogenous integration optimizes packaged solutions.
Growth of AI/ML and LLM
Generative AI(GPT-4) language model to produce human-like text and images. Performance bottleneck is 10X delta between computation and data transport.
Sustainability at Sivers Semiconductors
Sivers Semiconductors’ sustainability work is founded on three cornerstones:
1. Deliveries with sustainability benefits
Sivers Semiconductors’ customers’ operations and services often have a significant impact on people and the environment. We want to challenge our– selves and our customers to maximize the sustainability benefits of the solutions we create together. Alongside our partners, we foresee significant potential to set aggressive sustainability targets in the near future. Through technological advances we will be able to take significant steps towards creating a sustainable society.
2. Employees with sustainability competencies.
In order to create sustainability benefits, we have a responsibility to train our employees. The right expertise and conditions need to be in place to provide our customers with advice. Many employees appreciate our focus on sustainability and the opportunity to influence our customers’ attitude to sustainability.
3. Responsible utilization of resources
Utilizing all kinds of resources responsibly and efficiently is a cornerstone of our work for more sustainable operations and delivery.
Controls and organization for sustainability
Sivers Semiconductors’ sustainability work proceeds from the following control documents:
• Sustainability policy
• Code of Conduct
• Code of Conduct for suppliers
• HR policy
Sivers Semiconductors is primarily a value-driven company where all employees shall practice our values of honesty, respect, trust and drive in their day-to-day work. In addition, Sivers Semi- conductors’ Code of Conduct states our positions and demands relating to legislation, labor law and human rights, the environment and anti-corruption. Sivers Semiconductors places equivalent demands on our suppliers. These are expressed in the Code of Conduct for suppliers. The HR policy is specifically focused on the Company’s HR work and staff development. Sustainability work is part of Sivers Semiconductors’ business planning, management system and processes. Our quality management is certified according to ISO 9001:2015, and ISO 14001 forms the basis for our environmental work.
The sustainability work is carried out through ordinary groups and management teams. Sivers Semiconductors’ risk analysis includes sustainability issues. The risk analysis is updated and used on an ongoing basis, and risks are followed up at Board and Group management meetings.
Offering for a sustainable and connected world
Sivers Semiconductors develops and produces chips and modules for communications systems and sensors. In order to be competitive our products need to be fast and energy efficient. We streamline technical systems by utilizing the very best basic technology and design. Technology that is accessible, consumes less and achieves more, makes the world more accessible, safer and greener – and contributes to our customers’ and our own success.
Environmental adaptations of our offering and operations
Efficient energy use is one of the most difficult challenges the world currently faces. Here, semiconductors play a critical role. There is enormous potential for energy savings by rationalizing 5G networks – a concrete example is energy- efficient signal amplifiers. Sivers Semiconductors 5G chip is approximately five times more efficient than the previous generation chips and uses only around one-third of the power compared to competing products. This makes Sivers’ chip one of the world’s most efficient 5G chips.
Sivers Semiconductors evaluates all operations based on the environmental impact. We develop our products’ environmental performance and continuously strive to reduce our negative environmental impact, for example by applying the precautionary principle.
Sivers Semiconductors designs, develops and manufactures products and chooses its suppliers with the aim of reducing our environmental impact by:
• Using technology with optimal energy efficiency
• Reducing energy consumption when our products are used
• Reducing resources and harmful substances in products and production
• Minimizing waste, emissions and radiation
• Reusing materials
• Developing or procuring components in accordance with Sivers Semiconductors’ sustainability policy. The policy ensures compliance with RoHS and REACH, and that components are free from conflict minerals. The Group applies the OECD’s guidelines (Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas) in order to avoid conflict minerals.
Under Careers you will find more information about our sustainability work covering Employees, Human rights and social responsibility, and Anti-corruption:
Sivers Semiconductors is putting lots of effort in developing products that can contribute to a better, safer and more sustainable world.
It is not only about giving great performance on chip level, it is about reducing the total number of components needed and how to bring the best out of your system also from a sustainability perspective.

We are happy to talk more about how our products and capabilities can help you create the most sustainable 5G millimeter wave systems.
Read about our insights on how to achieve sustainable 5GmmWave solutions.