InP100 Product Platform
Integrated design and manufacturing services for a broad range of photonic devices including FP & DFB Lasers, SOAs, RSOAs and Detectors. This common design and manufacturing framework for InP photonics devices, uses established and reliable process modules to produce a broad range of device types on 100mm wafers. We have introduced the InP100 platform approach at exactly the point when optical communications and sensing applications require a single-chip, nanoscale solution to meet volume, power, performance and cost demands.
InP100 Product Platform Key Features
- 100 mm wafer size – up to 125,000 die sites per wafer
- High yield, proven reliability
- Scalable to high volume
- Optimised architecture for SiPh flip-chip bonding
- On-wafer facet etch and optical coating
- Non-hermetic compatibility
- Optimised architecture for SiPh flip-chip bonding
- Reduced time to market
InP100 Platform Process Module Technology
InP RSOA chip optimised for SiPh Flip-Chip Assembly
Key design features:
- Vertical alignment surfaces +/- 5 nm height accuracy to optical mode centre (z-axis)
- Etched facet with self-aligned front-side fiducials to both ridge (x-axis) and facet (y-axis)
- Metal pads optimised for flip chip bonding. Optional AuSn solder
- Backside alignment fiducials, and chip IDs
- Particle-free front-side
InP RSOA 8x-array for SiPh Flip-Chip Assembly
Key design features:
- Vertical alignment surfaces +/- 5nm height accuracy to optical mode centre. (z-axis)
- Etched facet with self-aligned front-side fiducials to both ridge (x-axis) and facet (y-axis).
- Metal pads for flip chip bonding. AuSn solder optional
- Backside alignment fiducials, and chip IDs
- Single chips or multi-element arrays
Straight and angled etched facets Vertical and angled etched profiles / Accurate vertical alignment
… Self-aligned front-side fiducials .. Back-side alignment fiducials and chip IDs….CV….…. .Optimised low resistance metal stack… .. ..…
Co-planar contacts AuSn solder on III-V On wafer optical coatings
Example Devices
Wide operating temperature 1310nm DFB
- Application: 5G LTE
- Designed for CW operation at 25mW ex-facet output power
- Functional from -50C to +95C assembled in TOSA packages
- Performance achieved through optimised MQW active region, grating design, and cavity length
High Power 1310/1550nm DFB for LIDAR
- 100mW at 1310nm at 25°C / 60 mW at 1550nm at 25°C
- Higher powers achievable through further optimised epi/grating designs for longer cavity lasers
- LWs <300kHz
- SMSR > 50dB
- Complementary O-band and C-band booster SOAs
DFB laser diode arrays designed for use in CW-WDM MSA compliant applications
- 45mW per channel CW operation
- 400GHz channel spacing around 1300nm
- Operating temp 20°C – 70°C
- AlInGaAs MQW active region
Contact Sivers Photonics
For more information about Sivers Photonics, or to discuss your photonics project requirements.